At PCDI, the science of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is used to explain behavior and produce socially significant changes in the lives of the learners and families that we serve. Our staff receive ongoing training in implementing clinical and educational interventions based on over 50 years of research and development.
ABA methods are used to:
- Teach new skills, including language, on-task behavior, social interactions, pre-academic and academic skills, home living, self-care, participation in leisure/recreational activities, vocational skills, etc.
- Program for generalization and maintenance to ensure that skills continue to be displayed across settings, people, and other conditions, such as in the community or at home.
- Reduce interfering behavior such as self-injury, aggression, and stereotypy.
PCDI constantly strives to be internationally recognized as the premier behavioral treatment, research, and professional training center for autism intervention.
PCDI is a New Jersey Department of Education-approved private school for children with disabilities. The group homes (Family Focus and Family Focus at Mountainview) and the Adult Life-Skills Program are licensed by the New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities.
PCDI holds memberships in the following organizations:
- ASAH -
- Autism NJ, Inc., formerly named the New Jersey Center for Outreach and Services for the Autism Community (COSAC) -
- ASAI - Alliance for Scientific Autism Intervention -
- NJACP - New Jersey Association of Community Providers -
PCDI is affiliated with the following organizations:
- ABAI - Association for Behavior Analysis International -
- NJABA - New Jersey Association for Behavior Analysts -